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Dig Deep...

Alison Tate mum and auntie digging.jpg

For a period of time I've been trying to identify a legal structure that could enable the possible acquisition of the barn and cover the costs of potential renovations for a community use proposal. When previously asked about the money, my response would be that there were many options available for grant funding. However, a legal structure has recently come on my radar which feels far friendlier, inclusive and provides a future driven by community. It could also partner beautifully with additional grants and funding. (I have my eye on budget announcements at the end of October and the hopeful reinstation of the Governments Community Ownership Fund which would be ideal for match funding opportunities!)


How do you like the sound of becoming a member of Our Heath Barn by investing funds into the building as part of a Community Benefit Society model?


It's the ultimate display of confidence and commitment if people (both near or far) choose to invest shares into a heritage building (minimum investment £200) A community investment model not only evidences this really well, it demonstrates to the council that local people are committed to seeing it succeed for the long term. It also creates a fantastic story when reaching out to potential big funders or match funding organisations. My feeling is that Heath Barn has always been the birth place of great stories and should continue to be for a long time into the future.


By owning shares in the building, you will become a member and have the opportunity to vote. Regardless of how much you invest, you will have one vote and therefore a say in the future of the barn and the activities that run from there. There is also a hope that members may be interested in volunteering from time to time.


Ickleton Lion pub in rural Cambridgeshire  is a great example of this done well! Over a period of a few weeks, they raised £440,000 with pledges both nationally and internationally which allowed them to enter negotiations with owners, Greene King. Their website is really helpful and I'd love to mirror this documentation in due course, if/ when the Community Benefit Society idea takes off and if Herts County Council can see it's part of  a robust plan (more on that another time.)


I should add, I know £200 is a lot of money to a lot of people. Smaller donations are always welcomed and will really help towards ongoing consultancy fees (I'm keen to hire Plunkett Foundation who have been advising me and specialise in community businesses) and marketing costs in addition to other advice and creating other fundraising opportunities. 


Want to find out more or pledge (no money will be taken this stage) then follow this link... 


As of 30th January 2025 we have received 59 pledges totalling a massive £22,000 - thank you! 


Please keep sharing, engaging and telling your friends that you are helping to Save Heath Barn- the second oldest building in Boxmoor!! I really think we can make this happen but we need the commitment of lots of people who are passionate about seeing Heath Barn turned into something that the community can enjoy and be proud of.


Donations are very welcome

Up to this point, I have personally spent close to £500 on printing survey, the website and domain name and applying to become a CIC. Donations for less than £200 are very much appreciated and will help us continue our work in the community. Our Heath Barn are very fortunate that Hugo Hardy has been assisting with architectural work up to this point pro bono. We also had the generosity of a local surveyor, Battram Associates, to carry out initial analysis free of charge. However, in order to progress and spread word of the campaign, we may need to increase our marketing and pay for legal advise and assistance to create a business pack. We are also keen to look into consultancy advice from Plunkett UK- an organisation that excel in promoting community businesses and helping them thrive!


To arrange a BACS transfer, our Company account details are as follows:


Our Heath Barn CIC 

Sort code:  08-92-99

Account number: 67362354


If we are unsuccessful with our campaign, any remaining funds will be given to a nominated local charity or not for profit business. Please note, I am reluctant at this stage to launch our Crowdfunder due to the fees they take on donations. 




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