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The Latest... 


Above photo taken from the inner quadrant at Heath Barn, January 2024.


We are due to go to Planning Development 'Committee' meeting in the Summer of 2025. Due to a last minute request for a full bat survey (which can only be carried out between active months of May and September) we are expecting Committee to fall somewhere inbetween.


The Committee meeting is a public meeting run from The Forum in Hemel Hempstead, therefore anyone can attend-

I will be registering to speak in objection of HCC plans for change of use from educational to residential and would love your support in person.


Our Heath Barn have carried out a development appraisal on the residential planning proposal and found it to be financially unfeasible. We have challenged Planning on this. The letter can be found by searching the comments on the planning application. Just search 24/00075/FUL.


We are currently taking pledges (minimum £200) as we look into the possibility of becoming a Community Benefit Society which could see the acquisition of Heath Barn through community investment. For more information, check out our Pledges and donations page. 


We are now accepting smaller donations (under £200) to our Our Heath Barn CIC company account. Our sort code and account number can be found on the Pledges and donations page. There are costs that come with running a campaign including marketing and events, running the website and paying for professional advice. Any funds surplus to this will hopefully be used in the launch of a community scheme, however in the event we fail to succeed, remaining funds will be donated to another nominated charity / not for profit.


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